Business for sale repentigny

Do you want to sell your business?

Match Entreprises has been acting as a broker between sellers and buyers of businesses in more than 80 sectors of activity for over 30 years.

If you need the help of a professional in the field to achieve your goal of selling your business, Serge Naud, as an accredited broker, and his partners are true experts in selling a business.

If you want to find the ideal buyer for your business, you need the expertise of Match Entreprises.  Contact us at 514-990-7466  

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Would you like to have your company assessed?

Have you ever asked yourself the following question? I want to sell my business. What price could I get?

The answer from Match Entreprises is clear: the sale price can vary depending on the type of buyer! Perhaps you don't know where to start to sell your business and get the best possible price? Match Entreprises will work with you in total confidentiality, using rigorous methods and a proven process.  

Whether it's for the sale or even the merger of a company, Match Entreprises has established a solid and efficient sales process over the years that is based not only on confidentiality, but also on transparency. The transaction process usually takes between 6 and 12 months and involves 6 essential stages.

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To find a buyer for your business, choose Match Entreprises

More specifically, Match Entreprises takes care of finding the right buyer for your business, including :

  • selection and prospecting

  • evaluating and analysing the business in relation to your needs;

  • presenting the offer to purchase

  • carries out due diligence and can propose solutions for financing and subsidies if required.

Match Entreprises offers a free initial visit with a free preliminary evaluation.

Don't hesitate, contact us at 514-990-7466 to learn more about our business sale services or register directly on our registration form.

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